Thank you very much for the really good translation and, what’s more, for the thorough edits and checking! I was happy to accept all your suggestions ... I can only stress again just how happy I am with your translation – brilliant!
Prof. Dr. Nils Büttner
Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard
Catalogue raisonné on Peter Paul Rubens
Rubenshuis, Antwerp
My best compliments to the translator and you: it reads incredibly well, in places better than the German! Thank you very much for the important pointers and comments! ... Again, it really is a pleasure to read this intelligent translation (and repeated sharpening) of the original!
Prof. Dr. Jochen Sander
Deputy Director
Project: Rembrandts Amsterdam: Goldene Zeiten?
Städel Museum
Please allow me, as the curator, to write to you directly to say how spot on and excellently worded I always find your translations.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Döring
Project: Goya. Im Labyrinth der Unvernunft
Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum
I was not only pleased with the beautiful English, but also with the good editing – we’ll fine-tune the German text in accordance with yours. So that’s two birds with one stone!
Anna Rühl
Curator at the Fritz-Winter-Stiftung
I’m thrilled – now it reads like ‘real’ English! You’ve done such a brilliant, thoughtful, and sensitive job on it! It’s a relief to know that there’s not a chance of me feeling the slightest embarrassment when the book is received in the Anglophone world.
Dr. Claudia Kryza-Gersch
Project: Bernini, the Pope and Death
SKD, Skulpturensammlung vor 1800
The translations were excellent as ever. In some instances, we went back and reworded the German version to reflect the English.
Peggy Große
Project: Monsters: From the Horrific to the Comic
Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg
Because we were so pushed for time, my colleagues had to send you the texts before I could even correct them ... so I expected the English texts would need a lot of reworking. But on the contrary: you have a wonderful way of ‘smoothing out’ the crudely phrased passages in the drafts and have pre-empted most of my many corrections, so that each time I had to say to myself: ‘Spot on, that’s exactly what it was supposed to say.’
Dr. Bärbel Schulte
Projekt: Tell Me More. Bilder erzählen Geschichten
Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier
Not only are the translations excellent, but the comments are extremely helpful. Thank you very much for your clever thoughts and excellent work!
Anne Sulzbach
Project: Next Level
Städel Museum
This week I read over your translation of the short guide to the Aachen exhibition on Charlemagne, and I wish to thank you for your beautiful, precise, and clever work!
Dr. Philippe Cordez
Institute of Art History
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich